The truth doesn't die, but it lives like a poor man. Yiddish: Der emes shtarbt nit, ober er lebt vi an oreman
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Die israelischen Ultranationalisten sind die wirkungsvolleren Wehrdienstverweigerer
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Israelischer Ex-General verklagt Bank in der Schweiz
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Offener Brief an Herrn Prof. Georg Kreis: Bitte treten Sie nicht zurück!
Lieber Georg Kreis,
mit Entsetzen las ich, dass Sie dem Druck nachgeben wollen und trotz oder vielleicht gerade wegen den peinlichen historischen Unkenntnissen der SVP und einigen Nationalräten Ihrer eigenen Partei das EKR-Präsidium abgeben wollen.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Die Ängste vor der «Verjudung» der Schweiz
Kreis verglich am 8. Dezember 2009 im «Club» des Schweizer Fernsehens (SF) die Angriffe auf den Islam mit der antijüdischen Stimmung vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. «Wenn eine SVP damals eine Initiative gegen die «Verjudung» der Schweiz lanciert hätte, wäre die unter Umständen auch angenommen worden wegen den Ängsten in der Bevölkerung», sagte der Historiker (Zitat im Blick vom 10.12.2009 - ).
Monday, November 16, 2009
Eine Israelische Stimme zur Anti-Minarett-Initiative
Eine Antwort auf Ch. Mörgelis Kommentar „Grossmuftis und andere Nazis“
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Maariv: Our Arab Affairs Expert
His obvious racism ignited a debate, which was partly led on the Voice of Israel radio program about the Palestinian citizens of Israel, "Krovim Rechokim" (Close/Relatives & Distanced Ones) from 1. November 2009.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Dissolve the PA!
It should be asked whose interests are served mainly by the PA?
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Warum soll ein Vergewaltiger für sein Lebenswerk geehrt werden?
Sexuelle Missbräuche im Show-Biz
Wie häufig sind sexuelle Missbräuche im Bereich der darstellenden Künste?
Wie kommt es, dass ein Vergewaltiger für sein Lebenswerk geehrt werden kann? Roman Polanski, ein bekennender Liebhaber Minderjähriger, bekommt Preise und wird überdies von vielen KollegInnen geschützt. Was steckt dahinter? Ist der Fall Polanski nicht die bekannte Spitze des Eisbergs?
Monday, September 28, 2009
Drum beat to war with Iran?
Therefore instead of the belligerent rhetoric it would make sense either to give Iran some incentives to give up its nuclear plan or at least develop effective mechanisms, not unlike those between the US and the former USSR during the "Cold War" in order to prevent a fatal accident.
Meanwhile Israel's rulers try not to go too far in formulating the Iranian threat as it might put the Israeli citizens in panic and accordingly there are some comforting declarations e.g. from the Israel war minister Ehud Barak:
"Right now, Iran does not have a bomb. Even if it did, this would not make it a threat to Israel's existence. Israel can lay waste to Iran…" (New York Times, September 17, 2009)
Israel's leaders know that they are not likely to get a green light from Washington for a military attack against Iran and that even if they do get such an OK from the US administration, the Iranian response might be very deadly for Israel and the whole region for the reasons stated above.
The US analyst Anthony H. Cordesman, who is close to the Israeli and US establishments wrote recently in the Wall Street Journal:
"An effective Israeli nuclear strike may not be possible, yet a regional nuclear arms race is a game that Iran can start, but cannot possibly win. Anyone who meets regularly with senior Israeli officials, officers and experts knows that Israel is considering military options, but considering them carefully and with an understanding that they pose serious problems and risks."
Cordesman wrote further:
"The conclusion is that Israel could attack only a few Iranian targets—not as part of a sustainable operation over time, but as a one-time surprise operation."
"…Israel would have to contend with the fact that it has consistently had a "red light" from both the Bush and Obama administrations opposing such strikes. Any strike that overflew Arab territory or attacked a fellow Islamic state would stir the ire of neighboring Arab states, as well as Russia, China and several European states."
Cordesman finishes his article in stating that Israel poses an existential threat to Iran:
"While Iran is larger than Israel, its population centers are so vulnerable to Israeli thermonuclear weapons that Israel already is a major "existential" threat to Iran."
In clear language this means that if there was a real military option the Israeli air force would have attacked Iran long ago. The US "red light" for such an attack means that even the famous and powerful "pro-Israel" lobby, that allegedly made the US invade Iraq in 2003 because of the supposed Israeli interests, cannot get a US "green light".
Even the present very belligerent and disproportional tones coming from Washington following the Iranian admissions that it is enriching uranium do not seem to signal a real change in the attitude towards a military operation.
It should be noted that Obama's reaction to the disclosure of a new Iranian enrichment facility is not very credible. If the US "intelligence" community had known about it for a long time, why had they not published it before; and if it is so dangerous, why does the Iranian regime admit its existence? Even Israeli state radio in its Friday noon news broadcast talked about a US spin in this context.
One can only speculate about the reasons of this spin. The most likely explanation is that the Obama administration has decided to station anti-ballistic missiles(ABM)
in the Middle Eastand has to get an Arab political and financial support for this plan.
An obviously well informed US analyst, Greg Grant Friday, wrote on his blog on September 18th.:
"The Obama administration has been frantically cobbling together a package of incentives to try and convince the Israelis to keep their bombers out of Iranian air space. Placing a ring of anti-ballistic missiles at sea in the Persian Gulf and at sites on the Arabian Peninsula is a key part of that effort, the [Pentagon] source tells us.
Behind the scenes, near term deployments will focus on boosting missile defense capabilities in the Gulf."
This policy is in accordance with the old neocon objective of strengthening the ABM program and now there is a good chance that Arab Gulf states will not only allow the stationing of ABMs on their territories but also will finance them and thus help the ailing US economy
It is noteworthy that notwithstanding the real aims of Iran's policy, they certainly help Israel to remove the Palestinian issue from the international agenda. In order to restraint the Israeli leadership from attacking Iran, Greg Grant has stated correctly that the Obama administration has cobbled together a package of incentives for Israel. Those inducements definitely include concessions on the palestinian issue. Thus the Iranian leadership has once harmed again Palestinian interests.
On the other hand Iran's rulers now have an opportunity to make several important demands in return for abandoning their nuclear ambitions. They may thereby achieve important objectives not only for their own country, but also for the Palestinians.
Edited by George Malent
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Deutsche Medien: feige wie gewohnt
Ein weiteres Beispiel von schlechtem israelischen Geschmack und Missbrauch des Nazi Judeozids:
FC Bayern München spielte am Dienstag (15.9) gegen das israelische Team Maccabi Haifa in Israel. Nach einem Bericht von ynet in Hebräisch wurde Bastian Schweinsteiger schon am Morgen vor dem Spiel von zwei "lustigen" Radiomoderatoren, Harel Slutzki und Ofer Dominguez (Radio Kol Harega – Voice of the Minute) geweckt. Sie baten den deutschen Spieler nicht zu hart gegen den israelischen Club vorzugehen:
Friday, September 18, 2009
"Hey Schweinsteiger, vergiss nicht die Shoa!"
Ein weiteres Beispiel von schlechtem israelischen Geschmack und Missbrauch des NS-Judeozid:
Thursday, September 17, 2009
German Papers are afraid to attack a tasteless Israeli anti-German "Joke"
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Bayern Munich should not have won 6:0 against an Israeli soccer team
Friday, September 4, 2009
The Swedish canard – not only smoke, but also fire
25 August 2009
The controversy over the racist Swedish article on the trade in organs of Palestinians should not obscure the fact that the slovenly report has a scandalous basis in fact, which calls for a serious discussion.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Himmlers Schweizer Freund
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
A mosque in Ein-Hod
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Some thoughts on Netanyahu’s speech
Sunday, June 14, 2009
The bludgeon of anti-Semitism is being swung against Mizrahi intellectuals
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Big Broder und die Fremdsprachen
Der wichtigste Publizist im deutschsprachigen Raum, Henryk very Modest Broder hat offensichtlich grosse Schwierigkeiten mit Fremdsprachen.
Nachdem er einen englischen Satz von mir falsch übersetzt und mir damit Holocaustleugnung unterstellt hatte, kritisiert er jetzt peinlicherweise Uri Avnerys vermeintliche Nicht-Beherrschung der hebräischen Sprache.
Obwohl ich mit vielen Analysen und Visionen Avnerys nicht einverstanden bin und mir der Personenkult um ihn und auch andere Menschen zuwider ist, besteht kein Zweifel, dass es ganz wenige Israeli gibt, die so viel zum modernen Hebräisch wie der Journalist Avnery beigetragen haben. Seine Sprachbeherrschung ist phänomenal und er braucht bestimmt keine Nachhilfe von Broder.
Selber mit beschränkten Hebräischkenntnissen ausgerüstet glaubt Broder, Avnery bei einem gravierenden Lapsus erwischt zu haben.
In der englischen Version eines Avnery-Beitrags steht Folgendes: In the Knesset bakery (the Hebrew word for bakery is mafia), some new pastries are being baked.”
Wie ein übereifriger Erstklässler, der den Lehrer beeindrucken will, springt Broder darauf und meint, hier einen Fehler entdeckt zu haben, weil Bäckerei auf Hebräisch Ma‘afia und nicht Mafia (kriminelle Vereinigung) heisse.
Nun ist die hebräische Schrift aber ziemlich xenophob, obwohl sich die gesprochene Sprache wiederum aussergewöhnlich fremdenfreundlich zeigt. Denn viele Wörter werden gleich geschrieben, haben aber unterschiedliche Bedeutungen und werden jeweils auch anders ausgesprochen. Und so kommt es, dass Ma‘afia (Bäckerei) und Mafia normalerweise genau gleich geschrieben werden, d.h., wenn sie nicht mit Vokalzeichen versehen sind. Diese fehlen bei normalen Texten ganz und werden nur für Anfänger, in der Lyrik oder im Alten Testament usw. verwendet.
Der englische Übersetzer von Avnerys Text unterlief lediglich ein kleiner und unwichtiger Fehler. Er hätte schreiben sollen: ”…the Hebrew word for bakery can also be read as mafia.”
Auf Althebräisch könnte man Broder deshalb sagen: Tol Kora mi‘ben Enecha, tol Kesam mi‘ben Schinecha. Da ich nicht ganz sicher bin, ob er diesen Spruch verstehen wird, hier zwei sinngemässe Übersetzungen: Wer anderen eine Grube gräbt, fällt selbst hinein, oder Wer anderen in der Nase bohrt, ist selbst ein Schwein.
Shraga Elam
Monday, June 8, 2009
Israel High Command tells officers: Lose the PowerPoint presentations
It is interesting that the Israeli High Command is telling its officers to drop the PowerPoint presentations. There cannot be any doubt that many modern ailments and problems are due to a manager culture that finds its expression in superficial PowerPoint presentations, executive summaries and MBA influenced decision making with no real connection to reality.
"The deputy chief of staff, Brig. Gen. Erez Weiner, wrote a damning indictment of such presentations in last month's issue of the IDF journal Maarachot.
PowerPoint presentations, he wrote, represent "a strong point that has turned into a weak point. The Americans have concluded that using them makes discussions shallower and compromises analysis. The IDF remains addicted to this tool, and is paying for it dearly."
He added that "for many years the use of presentations in the civilian world has expanded, and even more so in the military. It is virtually impossible to have a discussion or lecture in a military forum in which the presentation is not used.
"I believe the use of presentations has made the level of discussion, and the depth of study, more superficial." (Haaretz 7.6.2009
Is it possible that a deeper study might lead the Israeli High Command, the political and economic leaderships to realize that there are logical, essential and unavoidable limits to the use of force and brutality? That this adventurous policy creates more dangers than it prevents?
Just the same, it is not clear why Weiner claims that all the USAnians "have concluded that using them [PowerPoint presentations] makes discussions shallower and compromises analysis." Certainly there is critique of this tool in the US, but still it is very common and popular. E.g. Obama's Cairo speech might be considered as a verbal PowerPoint presentation. Repeating like a mantra the call for the so called "Two State Solution" for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict does not seem to be very realistic, just like crying "oh my god" during sex cannot be considered to be a prayer.
Brig. Gen. Erez Weiner's critical assessment and recommendations follow Henry Mintzberg, a professor of management at McGill University, who says that Business Schools with their MBA programs are responsible for the present financial crisis. According to Mintzberg it is time to scrap the MBA as training programme for future leaders as these schools are too detached from real-world issues.
This reminds me of a Swiss emeritus professor of medicine who who used to say that medical studies give for over 90% of the answers provided by medical studies are to questions that nobody asked"
Shraga Elam
(Edited by George Malant)
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Kick Racism Out of Israeli Soccer - Join the Complaint by FIFA
On Monday the Jerusalem prosecutor instructed the police to start an investigation against Beitar Jerusalem player Amit Ben Shoshan for chanting a racist Beitar anthem: "…This is the land of Israel, Toama… I hate you Salim Toama. I hate all the Arabs," part of a popular chant sung by Beitar fans (see the full version and past "performances" at the end of this text).
Toama is a Palestinian with Israeli citizenship, a former national team and Hapoel Tel Aviv midfielder who currently plays for Standard Liege in Belgium.
On May 26 the cameras of Channel 2 caught players of the soccer club Beitar Jerusalem, among them Ben Shoshan oining their fans in their "Toama song". This during the festivities in Jerusalem after Beitar
won the Israeli cup for 2009.
The prosecutor went into action after the New Israel Fund (NIF) tendered a complaint in the framework of its campaign to Kick Racism Out of Israeli Soccer. Israeli law provides for a penalty of up to one year in prison for chanting racist slogans during a sporting event.
It is important to mention that NIF acted several times in the past against Beitar Jerusalem and its fans, who are considered to be the most racist in Israel. On May 20, 2009, NIF published on its website:
For the first time ever the Israel Football Association (FA) has deducted a league point in punishment for the racist chanting by a team's fans. During a match last month against Maccabi Petach Tikvah, Beitar's fans repeatedly sang chants insulting the prophet Mohammed and Arabs. The Israel FA disciplinary committee based their evidence on the reports of the volunteer observers in NIF's campaign to Kick Racism Out of Israeli Soccer. Beitar was also ordered to play one game without spectators.
In 2008 the club received a suspended penalty after their fans were found guilty of racist behavior for chanting "the Prophet Mohammed is dead" at a match.
According to the Israeli news portal Walla (Haaretz Group), Beitar fans had already sung the "Toama song" before and during the Cup game last Tuesday. Walla criticized State President Shimon Peres, who was present in the stadium, for not reacting.
Walla commentator Noam Tirosh wrote on May 27:
"If Shimon Peres had [properly] done his job as president, he would have left the Ramat Gan stadium in protest against the racism of the Beitar fans. But actually we forgot for a moment this is still [the old] Shimon Peres."
The liberal daily Haaretz seems to play down the incident and chose for its first report on the case a telling title which has not yet been translated in the English version, "Ben Shoshan racist: Salim Toama has already forgiven, the persecution not yet"
Although Salim Toama himself plays a bighearted "uncle Tom" and forgives Ben Shoshan, this should have no legal relevance in court, as the "Toama song" is not aimed only against him, but against all the Palestinian citizens of Israel. Toama is probably trying to increase his chances of playing again on the Israeli national team.
Haaretz reports:
Yesterday a contrite Ben Shushan posted a letter on Beitar Jerusalem's official Web site in which said he was inebriated at the time of the incident and that he was sorry if he caused offense.
"I was carried away by the inappropriate chant without noticing what the words were," Ben Shushan wrote. "I do not identify with the words. As a soccer player and as a human being I do not get involved in such things. I don't hate individuals or people."
He also wrote that he had personally apologized to Tuama, whom he considers to be a friend.
Ben Shoshan (this I consider to be the correct English spelling) is very far from convincing, as the "Toama song" has a status of an anthem among Beitar fans and it is impossible that he heard it for the first time last Tuesday and according did not know what he chanted.
The position of Haaretz legal expert Ze'ev Segal sounds like a cover up for Ben Shoshan and his club:
Haaretz legal analyst Ze'ev Segal said yesterday that indictments have been rarely issued for incitement to racism because of the difficulty in proving intent to harm and because of the importance of the right to freedom of speech.
This is a very strange understanding of the law. At hand is a case of repeated racist expressions which are for sure not covered by the right to freedom of speech, just as libel is not covered by this right
The crimes committed by a typical Beitar fan and his Bulldozer in the Jenin refugee camp in 2002 prove that there is no reason to play down the "Toama song" incident. In many talkbacks Beitar fans uttered death threats against my British colleague and politician Yvonne Ridley, who picked up my Email and also tendered a complaint by the World Soccer Association FIFA.
She wrote:
If you feel as offended as I do then lodge your complaint to Mr. Blatter at and urge FIFA to take action.Her initiative should be followed.
Please send a complaint to FIFA. A possible formulation:
Please take action against the Israeli soccer club Beitar Jerusalem and its players for their repeated extreme racism (s. E.g.
It is true that many soccer fans all over the world are brutal racists and death threats seems to be rather usual in this sub-culture. E.g. a Swiss referee had to hire bodyguards and go into hiding after English fans who felt that their national team had been disadvantaged by his decision threatened to kill him. It is also true that in the Netherlands the Ajax Amsterdam Club is considered to be Jewish and fans of opposing teams often greet it with a hissing reference to gas. But this repulsive behavior is no reason to accept Beitar racism, which also has very strong implications outside the stadium.
Besides, if a similar song had been chanted against the famous British player David Beckham (of Jewish origin), the Anti Defamation League would certainly have launched an international campaign.
Shraga Elam
Edited by George Malent
“Racism in the soccer stadiums is nothing new, but this time players [of Betar Jerusalem] and among them also members of the Israeli national team joined in the racist chants [of the fans].”
This is written on the web site of the Israeli TV station “Channel 2” and one can see there also the report about the incident:
The Toama Song
What's Salim doing here? Don't you know?
What's going on here I ask?
Everywhere I hear that this is the land of israel
Toama, this is the land of israel
This Is The Land Of Israel, Toama
This Is The Jewish State
I hate you Salim Toama!
I hate all Arabs!
Fans performances:
- Posted on March 6, 2009 :
- Posted on February 17, 2009